About us
Zorgverzekeraars Nederland (ZN) is the umbrella organization of health insurers in The Netherlands.
Zorgverzekeraars Nederland (ZN) is the umbrella organization of eleven health insurers in The Netherlands. They are a.s.r., CZ, Salland Zorgverzekeraar, Eucare, DSW, IptiQ, ONVZ, Menzis, VGZ, Zilveren Kruis en Zorg en Zekerheid. All these concerns have one or more labels.
ZN supports its members by fulfilling the mission of the Dutch health insurers: to arrange health care of good quality for their insured, that is affordable and accessible at the same time and aimed at promoting the well-being of their insured.
As social entrepreneurs, the eleven Dutch health insurers defend the interests of their insured. ZN on the other hand, as the umbrella organization of the Dutch health insurers, supports its eleven members through public advocacy and offering services of common interest to the members. In doing so, health insurers apply the following values:
- Solidarity and equal access to health care for everyone are main principles of the of the Dutch private health insurance system;
- Health insurers strive for continuous improvement of the quality of health care, well-being and quality of life for the insured;
- Health insurers actively engage in ensuring effectiveness in health care and cost control in health care;
- Health insurers put reliability, good service and ease and convenience first, both for the insured as for the health care providers. The main principles hereby are: Certainty, minimizing the administrative burden for health care providers and taking care of reliable information for the insured and the health care providers.
- Lastly, health care insurers are not primarily focused at making profit. Entrepreneurship and competition between the health care insurers must lead to affordable and better care, thereby offering different options and choices for the insured.
ZN was established on January 1, 1995 as a result of a merger of the former Vereniging van Nederlandse Zorgverzekeraars (VNZ) and the Kontaktorgaan Landelijke Organisaties van Ziektekostenverzekeraars (KLOZ).
For more information about the Dutch healthcare system, please visit: https://www.government.nl/topics/health-insurance/documents/leaflets/2016/02/09/healthcare-in-the-netherlands (free brochure available)